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The VIP System in the Board Game
2023-05-23 10:05:29
Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen

When board games’ products reach the mature period,developers should have a set of user operation system including user membership level, exclusive level rights, and other benefits should be established according to a series of rules. Through this system, user stickiness and activity can be continuously improved to stimulate user consumption and gradually cultivate the players into loyal fans, this is the reason why board games need to establish a user VIP system.

Let’s talk about the role of user VIP system in board games.

Stimulate user consumption, improve their life time value.

The VIP system of a product is actually the feedback of the player’s consumption behavior in-game and the use of product functions. The more investments in the product, the more benefits in the account, which enables the user to grow together with the game.

After obtaining high-level “status” and honor, clients will get a sense of vanity, thus they will continue to experience and invest our works. For instance, when a user obtains a high-level VIP, the system will give corresponding medals and special identification, at the same time, they will be matched with the relevant recharge and the equity return of the proportion of rebates.

When the user’s monthly recharge or the game fails to meet the requirements, the VIP level will be reduced, which can stimulate users to continue to recharge and consume.

Each user has a certain life time, and it is not easy to attract them. Therefore, improving the life time of users in-game is an effective means to obtain returns. The use of VIP system can not only improve user stickiness, but also build up the conversion rate of real paying users and make users stay in board and card games longer.

Compare with different users, we have different ways to improve user life time. For new users, we can give VIP level rights to motivate users to recharge, otherwise they will lose price concession after the experience period. For old gamers, continuous interests’ events can improve the user’s activity.

Enhance the core competitiveness in-game, meet the needs of users

It is a fact that the market of board and card game is really mature, it is difficult to find a breakthrough in the same mode works. Therefore, making the VIP system of users into the unique advantages of the game, using the exclusive rights of VIP to attract users can make the product stand out among similar products.

For example, provide gold coins and high-value prizes in the VIP mall, for each one, the higher the VIP level, the higher the probability of obtaining them. In addition, the VIP rating system will guide the behavior of other gamers.

The above is the role of the user VIP system for a board and card game. Products guide users, users improve the product. Now that we know what that means, let’s talk about how we can design a VIP system that fits our product.

Clarify the purpose of establishing the VIP system

Everything must have a purpose. the establishment of VIP system in board & card games. There are three main purposes:

One is ascending user stickiness and activity, keep spending money bow flow into user, guide users and normal use for a long time.

The second is to increase users’ recharge and consumption, namely to increase income through the VIP system to achieve the purpose of profit.

Third, improve user gaming experience, help users get familiar with the product process, provide VIP users with unique functions and services, and improve the experience of paying players. Of course, a product will have different purposes at different stages, so we should adjust and optimize the VIP system according to the status quo of the product itself.

Formulate the rules of VIP system in detail

A complete set of VIP system includes the user’s VIP level upgrade and downgrade, VIP level tasks and rights, the construction of the VIP Store, they are worth considering.

For instance, in order to attract new users, you can make it easier for them to get the basic VIP conditions with surprise package; A rule can be added into the VIP system that the level will be downgraded when a player has not meet the certain condition of recharge and consumption. Relevant operation tasks can be added into the VIP, and users can get VIP rewards after completing the operation.

Preserve the scalability of the system

When the current VIP system cannot meet the existing market, we need to timely adjust the contents of it to ensure that users can enjoy the best product services and experience. The scalability of the VIP system includes adjustment of lifting rules, task switch addition and deletion, adjustment of rights and interests, etc. For instance, if you develop a board and card game in a platform, the model of the product is suitable for high-paying players, then you should add some interests in the corresponding VIP level, so that the high-level VIP users can get a unique product experience.

Choose the VIP benefits

As VIP users of board and card games, they should enjoy the best welfare, but the welfare of products should also be determined according to user groups and operating status. Using VIP welfare to achieve different operating purposes is also a means to improve product income. Like, recharge coupons and limited-time returns can improve users’ consumption behavior. Choosing the right time and benefits to enrich players’ experience will have obvious effects for our games.

The system plays a significant role in improving the user retention and payment rate of board games. It not only change the life time value of users, but also enables them to obtain better gaming experience, which is an important means to enhance customer loyalty.