Foxuc Game

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Mrs Aileen
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Game Advisor
Mrs Aileen
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What is an effective board and card game operations team?
2023-05-29 09:23:15
Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen


In the operation of board and card games, it is inevitable that there will be a variety of problems for our operators. These issues are directly reflected in the player’s user experience. Whether in the face of player complaints and doubts, or problems from product (like bug) appear to affect the operation, something is unavoidable. But the mission of the operations team is to minimize the negative impact of these issues. Finding professional team to do professional things is the best way to improve the efficiency. As operators, what should we do?


Establish various departments or responsible persons to ensure that specific problems are solved in detail. The departments normally be established are:

I、Marketing(4 people)

II、Customer Service(2 people)

III、Operation & Maintenance(1 people)

IV、Planning(2 people)

V、Technology(2 people)


1). The Marketing Department is responsible for promotion and sales, collecting and sorting out the problems of products in the sales terminal, and maintaining the relationship between customer groups and agents.

2). Customer Service is responsible for collecting and sorting out the problems submitted by users, timely feeding back to relevant departments, and communicate with users after processing and building user database.

3. The Operation & Maintenance department shall be responsible for the server working during the product operation period, ensure the normal operation of product, timely deal with relevant problems.

4). The Planning Department is responsible for sorting out and summarizing the product problems submitted by other departments, and forwarding them to the corresponding departments, specifying the processing time, planning product activities, promoting the growth of the online users’ number and reducing the loss rate of players. Artists are also incorporated into the planning department, working for the original UI design.

5). The Technology department shall be responsible for forming information about product adjustment submitted into technical documents, ensure the accurate and effective implementation of functions.

6). All the departments shall be coordinated and managed by the general manager’s office and the operation director.


1). Processing time: A problem with no technical factor should be solved and answered within 8 hours; Reply technical problems within 1 working day; Multiple problems related are not to solve and reply within 2 days; If some multiple problems are associated, the processing time is determined based on the situation. The minimum processing time is 3 days.

2). Question submission: Users who submit questions must be recorded, including name, gender, industry, contact information, question submission, submission time, deal with / reply or not, and evaluation of clients. Here, the department of customer service should collect information once a day and submit these data to relevant departments.

3). Customer information: Ensure that the individual information is true and valid. Ensure the frequency of return visit once every three months. Foxuc Technology has been committed to the development of board and card games for 13 years, with abundant experience in the game development & operation and a large number of successful cases.