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Turkey – the largest market for operators to publish board game in the Middle East
2023-04-04 10:22:17

The Middle East, as a fast-growing emerging digital gaming market, becomes a popular destination for operators to publish board game. And Turkey, is the largest market of board game in the Middle East, accounting for nearly 40% of the total market size in this area, with the richest demographic dividend in the Middle East.

The panorama of board game market in Turkey

Up to now, the population of Turkey is about 84 million, among which the proportion between 15 and 64 years old accounts for about 68% of the total population, showing a younger population as a whole. There are about 58 million smartphone users in Turkey, and about 67 percent of mobile Internet penetration.

In 2019, the number of gamers in Turkey exceeded 32 million. In terms of age groups, over 83% of Turkish players are under the age of 45. In terms of gender, in 2019, about 57.2% of Turkish game users were male and 42.8% were female. Some young & masculine gameplay styles are worth noting.

Some problems we should be aware of when publishing board game in Turkey

For publishing board game in Turkey, the main problems are religion and language.


Turkey is a Muslim country, relatively open and moderate in religion, the Muslim culture should be respected in the overseas game products.

According to a survey published by AdColony: about 32 percent of Turkish respondents said they would spend more time on their phones during Ramadan, and 72 percent said they would play mobile games during this holiday. So overseas manufacturers can focus on this period to enter the market. For other festivals religions such as “Easter” and “Christmas” are not included in the Turkish version games.


The language problem is also one of the main obstacles to publish board game in Turkey. In fact, Turkey is not an Arab country, the official language is Turkish. For English and Arabic versions, there is not have a high usage rate among Turkish people, so it is necessary to pay attention to the development of Turkish versions for game localization.

Regulation for casino games

Due to legal restrictions, the number of offline casinos in Turkey has been decreasing year by year, and online gambling has become popular, creating a large space for the survival of casino games.

Turkish authorities have banned some online poker & casino games without permission, but it still thrive in Turkey. Despite being a Muslim-majority country, Turkish players still has a strong appetite for gambling.


The Middle East is a hot market, especially in Turkey. To publish board game in Turkey, it is not only benefit our development in the Middle East and North Africa, but also prepare for further commercial expansion into the European game market.

Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen