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What are the advantages of using Creator engine to develop board games?
2023-05-16 09:39:49
Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen

What are the advantages of using Creator engine to develop board and card games? Since the Focus’s King platform was launched, it may be one of the most asked questions to Foxuc during this period.


In fact, the advantages of any kind of development engine should be reflected in two aspects: one is the engine itself that can achieve expressive force, and the second is the difficulty towards programmers. And Creator is definitely a pretty good development engine that combines the two things.

Let’s start with the Creator engine’s expressiveness.

I. Compared with other game engines, Creator has the biggest advantage of multi-platform publishing, which can be published into apps or web pages. The most important thing is that Wechat has a wide range of popularity which are also compatible with HTML5. In a word, products developed with the Creator engine can be released into APP, Website and HTML5 terminals. It means that the human cost of operators can be greatly reduced. In the past, products with three terminals may need three programmers who are good at different development engines, but the games completed by Creator need only one.

II. The Creator’s framework covers some common elements, modularizes the design elements such as buttons, characters, sounds so that the operators can carry out secondary development. Now, an original multi-player team only needs a few people to complete the game design, operation and maintenance, which is also saving costs. However, modularization processing is the key to the secondary development for operators, which means that they can easily build multi-language platforms, more in line with the current market trend of board games to enter the foreign market.

III. At present, Creator is very mature in making 2D games with small package, simple 3D capabilities, and some 2.5D functions, which is more than adequate for developing board games.

Let’s talk about how easy it is for programmers to get started with the Creator engine. Nowadays, Creator’s reputation is very good, basically no one said that this editor is rubbish. It even ended the nervous state of programmers when they saw a new editor on the market. These reputations are all based on the fact that the Creator engine is relatively easy to use.

It’s user-friendly, easy to use, and the script is so simple that Cocos2d-x programmers can learn it more in a week. In addition, there are many Cocos Creator programmers in the game industry, which is convenient for hiring, and further saves costs for operators in some aspects.

Generally speaking, Cocos Creator engine can not only meet the development needs of most of today’s board games, but also greatly reduce operating costs. Besides, it is easy to use and very friendly to programmers.

Foxuc Technology has committed to the production of board games for 16 years, and has won a good reputation in the markets abroad. It also conducted game research and development for board and card game operators in many countries with some great achievements, including the United States, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, etc.