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Mrs Aileen
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Launching board game to Southeast Asia:Huge challenge of Market in Malaysia
2023-04-19 10:21:15

Recently, there are a whole host of game operators consulting Malaysian board game, indicating that Malaysia’s chess and card game market has gradually caused the attention of overseas publishers. About the Malaysia’s game market, due to its good environment and infrastructure, now is very suitable for the development of Board and casual games which is worthy of attention.

The land of board game development in Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the most promising markets in Southeast Asia. In 2020, Malaysian gamers spent $673 million on games, with 87% of user’s spending. At the same time, Malaysia is also one of the largest game markets in Southeast Asia, with a per capita GDP of $12,000 and over 85% smartphone penetration rate, providing convenient conditions for the development of board game in Malaysia.

For a long time, Southeast Asia has been the first choice for the board game’s developers, and Malaysia, which has a large population of Chinese immigrants, is undoubtedly more adequate for the publishment and development of domestic chess and card games.

The language selection of board game in Malaysia

We should pay more attention to the choice of language in Malaysia. There are three major languages in Malaysia, Malay, Chinese and English. Although Malay is the official language, due to the high popularity in Malaysia, English is the main language choice for games.

It is worth mentioning that there are a large amount of Malaysian Chinese people, most of them are using Chinese to communication in their communities. So, in terms of language choice, Chinese cannot be ignored.

The attitude towards board game in Malaysia

Officially speaking, board & casino games are illegal in Malaysia on account of its Islamic faith in policy. But Malaysia also has a large non-Muslim population, as well as a large Malaysian Chinese population, so there is a lot of space for the development of board games online in Malaysia despite the relevant laws.

In addition, as the explosion of coronavirus, the number of games and users in the board game market has increased significantly. In an effort to reverse the flagging economy, the Malaysian government is flirting with online board games in an effort to boost growth and bring in more tax revenue. So, the official regulation in Malaysia is not an obstacle for game publishers.

The social media about board game in Malaysia

Similar to the WeChat in China, WhatsApp is used for online messaging by more than 22 million Malaysians out of a population of 35 million, it can be used to communicate with players of board games or the customer service.

And it is convenient for Malaysian players to learn about board games, with promotion of board game through Facebook. However, we should notice that it is the best way to log in with Facebook account, which can greatly improve the quality of user’s experience and simplify the process of registering an account.


Malaysia’s board game market still has a large space to develop, which is worth the attention of overseas developers and operators. However, with the continuous increase of domestic chess and card game overseas efforts, the game market will gradually turn into a red sea area in the future, which needs to attract the attention of overseas entrepreneurs. In a word, when launching board games in Malaysia, is a good time for us to grasp the opportunity to occupy this market.

Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen