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Full of opportunities and challenges for board games to go overseas in Vietnam
2023-05-05 10:22:59

Recently, App Annie announced that in the list of the top ten game publishers in the world by game downloads in 2021, game companies from Vietnam accounted for 5. Meanwhile, according to a report by Adsota, Vietnam is the fourth highest-grossing gaming market in Southeast Asia. As one of the directions of domestic board games going overseas, the Southeast Asian market has always been favored, among which Vietnam is considered to be one of the board game markets with great potential.


With a population of 97 million,74%of whom are under the age of 35, Vietnam is an extremely young country. In addition, Vietnam is also the second fastest growing country in Southeast Asia's mobile Internet market, with a mobile phone penetration rate of 97% and a smartphone penetration rate of 72%. According to a survey by Statista, Vietnam has the highest percentage of adults playing games in the world, with 85% of adults playing games on smartphones.


In Vietnam, not only MMORPG games are more popular, but also board games are popular in the market. According to recent data released by App Annie, Vietnamese gamers saw the most significant increase in consumer spend on mixed board games, up to 575%, while traditional slot games performed well, with user spend growth of 60%.


On the Vietnam best-selling list, the most notable is ZingPlay, which has been in the top ten of Vietnam's iOS best-selling list for many years. It is a board game platform in Vietnam, which contains a variety of board games, such as "Ti?n Lên - Tien Len Dem La", " Th? L?nh Siêu Thú", among which the widest audience is " Ti?n Lên - Tien Len Dem La ".


The gameplay of "Ti?n Lên - Tien Len Dem La" is similar to the domestic PaoDeKuai, and the first person to show the cards in his hand is the winner. The difference lies in two points, one is that if your card has a larger number of points than the previous player, you can block the previous player's card; The second is that when the points of the two cards are the same, the large suit can block the small suit, for example, Club 4 can block the plum diamond 4.


In terms of subject matter, due to the close territory of Vietnam and China, the cultures of the two countries have great similarities, and domestic Xianxia and Wuxia arts, leisure and other themes are quite popular in Vietnam. Certainly, another reason why Vietnamese players favor casual games is that Vietnam is in a stage of rapid rise of mobile Internet, and the local network speed and hardware development degree are uneven, which has an impact on some large-scale mobile game experiences with high hardware requirements. In addition, Vietnam is in the demographic dividend period, which also provides an innate advantage for Chinese board games to go overseas to Vietnam.

However, to go overseas in the Vietnamese board game market, it is necessary to pay attention to several points that because Vietnam publishes games with a version number system, products without a version number need to cooperate with local publishers, of which top publishers have their own payment channels. Board game developers need to avoid problems such as non-settlement of payment channels when cooperate with local publishers.

In conclusion, going overseas in Vietnam's board game market, seemingly restrictive, but has a long dividend period. Such a huge market potential with low localization difficulty, Vietnam is undoubtedly a place full of opportunities for board game operators.

Foxuc has focused on the development of board games at home and abroad for many years, and has successfully launched a large number of popular board games. According to your needs, we can quickly develop different types of mature board game products to help you occupy the board game market. If you have relevant intentions, Please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Mrs Aileen